The legend of Wellingtons most famous cafe .
In 2016, after a change in his life - Aly packed his bags and spontaneously decided backpack NZ. Too broke from Uni thesis work yet filled with a burning desire to "get away and discover the land", he packed his overpacked suitcase , a wanderlust for portrait photography and conversation- he took the 12 hour night bus from AKL city--> Wellington.
After taking a 12hour brokkie intercity bus ride from AKL in a muggy Aly arrived at Wellington Train station .
The murals next to Memphis Belle, the old school music vibes n funky characters of Memphis instantly d and Johnny nā Davids team at Memphis looked after Aly
He dropped his bags at Memphis, iPod in pocket, Canon 400D 50mm in one hand, and enthusiasm for life in the other- he embarked on the first ever portraits outside of Auckland.
This is a moment to their kiwi spirit.
A full Memphis page to come soon.
Shout ot Johnny , Dave, Reuben and Paris.
Nga mihi