21st. Bantz. Yarns.
One journey ends. Another begins.
Education is a multi-faceted element of life.
This is one of those elements- the journey of University. Behind every photo is 1000+ days of projects, tutorials, lectures, 400+ bus rides, late night drives, 1000s of coffees and masterful procrastination.
This is their moment to enjoy the mountain peak they have climbed.
Verily- is their even a comparison of standing between the seekers of knowledge and those who do not seek?
Viva La Palestine
The celebration of a new bond - new families .
Friends gather, eat, dance, celebrate and cherish the new bond between the new couple.
Alas- each couple has their own story. This is a tiny window into that moment.
Travel is seamless for a curious soul.
Capturing portraits of our fellow human race as my mind , body and soul walked across the world lead to this page.
20 countries, 30 cities - with special love for Wellington, London, Florence, Andalucia & Balkan cities.
Viva La Palestina
Estas Libertad
Ponder the gaze of our beautiful humans.
indeed the eyes are the window to the soul yet meeting, conversing and capturing portraits of these beautiful souls makes me wonder - the face is an element of divine creation
Eyes of Munich
The legend of Wellingtons most famous cafe .
In 2016, after a change in his life - Aly packed his bags and spontaneously decided backpack NZ. Too broke from Uni thesis work yet filled with a burning desire to "get away and discover the land", he packed his overpacked suitcase , a wanderlust for portrait photography and conversation- he took the 12 hour night bus from AKL city--> Wellington.
After taking a 12hour brokkie intercity bus ride from AKL in a muggy Aly arrived at Wellington Train station .
The murals next to Memphis Belle, the old school music vibes n funky characters of Memphis instantly d and Johnny n’ Davids team at Memphis looked after Aly
He dropped his bags at Memphis, iPod in pocket, Canon 400D 50mm in one hand, and enthusiasm for life in the other- he embarked on the first ever portraits outside of Auckland.
This is a moment to their kiwi spirit.
A full Memphis page to come soon.
Shout ot Johnny , Dave, Reuben and Paris.
Nga mihi
Blue Collar Men- the unsung heroes of our society. The men that built our world.
Construction photos have a special place in my heart.
You only have a few moments to capture the scene of destruction, building and the birth of a new building - an engineering marvel.
Once its up, you can never go back and capture these moments. These are some of my special moments capturing these hard-working men on their breaks.
Indeed- captured as they were building the infrastructure for generations to come
We thank you and salut you blue-collar heroes.
Kia ora
Portraits of London .
Aly wandered the streets of London in 2019 - with his iPod classic in one pocket, cracked-phone in the other and Sony a6000-35.mm1.4.
From shoreditch, waterloo, hackney, hoxton, whitechapel, oxford , edgeware road to all the other infinite train stations in the country city of London - the moments were captured
Aly gives you London from 2019-Early 2020.
Snape was a legend
Viva la Palestine
Snap Yo Fingerz
Rewa n Bluey
Alys Mizrahi Noah-esque-curls - meets Fabio, Italian and Dario, Russian, in the enriching city of Zagreb , Croatia.
A most memorable street portrait experience.
Viva la Palestine
Paths Crossing embodies the seamless flow of people .
Each with their own set of ordeals, backgrounds, struggles and journeys in this feudal capitalist system.
Special mention to the Kazimer Family
Never again
Viva La Palestina